Thursday, November 26, 2009

Resource (1)

Our big event is finally over... for like a week
For those who came thanks! If you couldn't make it, no worries. From now on, we're gonna post some resources we used as we learn about chastity, dating, sex... I hope you'll find these resources useful. :)

I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris
This is the first book I read about dating in a way that pleases God. The book talks about how casual dating or casual sex can harm you and affect your whole life (in a not so positive way). The author shared personal experiences that made a big impact on me. I remember a story in the book where in a wedding, while the bride & groom stand at the altar, the ex-girlfriends came forth and hold the groom's hand in a chain. The groom told the bride sadly, "i didn't do this to hurt you, but these past relationships are part of who I am and what I'm bringing into this marriage with you." It really made me think about what I want to bring into my future relationships. The book also talked about how following God's commandments in a relationship will make it more healthy & enjoyable.

Here's what the author says about his own book:


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